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老底子的纯手工工艺+中国传统的元素 「坚持手工失蜡法制作,每一把铁壶都当做艺术品对待」。 金义堂将一把把用来沏茶煮水的铁壶,真正做成了艺术品的样子,并且受到很多专业人士的欣赏与喜爱。 甚至,金义堂每年都会接到许多来自日本的订单,购买这些传统铁壶






英文名称:Hard sorghum and iron pot










这些铁壶都是纯手工制作; 价值连城啊,价格低则1万多,高则超过5万; 但仔细看每一把壶,都非常漂亮,都是精品;


英文翻译:Iron pot, also known as iron bottle, is a vessel used to fry tea and boil water. Using pig iron as raw material, the teapot is formed by traditional casting process and manual grinding in the later stage, which has health preservation, ornamental value and collection value.

Iron kettles can be traced back to the Edo period, hundreds of years ago. After the tea ceremony was introduced to Japan from China, it became a fashion in Japan. In the Edo period, tea friends used "tea kettle" with water nozzle and handle to make tea, and iron pot was born accordingly.

The handle of an iron kettle. Girder commonly known as handle, handle, can be seen everywhere in life, baskets, kettles, bags and so on. But do not look down upon the girder, with iron pot friends should all know that the Japanese masters pay special attention to the spirit of the iron pot, iron pot girder erect forever, just like a man, full of life! If it is found that the handle is loose or down, the pot will lose its spirit, and the hard refining pot is a bridge type refining, and the body of the pot, will never lie down, reflecting the spirit.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: hard sorghum iron pot

Hard Sorghum and Iron Pot

Category: Miscellaneous

Specifications: one piece (six jin and a half)

Appearance: Beautiful

The hard handle is made at the same time as the pot body. There is also a metal handle pot, is to use screws to fix the single beam on the button, also belongs to a hard handle. Hard handle pot, usually occupied by the space is also large. But the form of the beam is strong, on the virtual under the real, on the light under the heavy, both elegant and quiet, often show a kind of elegant temperament.

The Japanese iron pot we see usually has two kinds of handles. One is a solid handle, which is called the non-fouling string in Japanese. One is a hollow girder, Japanese called bag string, hollow girder compared to the solid girder, the water after boiling directly lifted will not be hot, greatly convenient to use. Generally speaking, the iron pot equipped with this kind of handle is the Kyoto iron bottle. Later, some southern iron bottles are also equipped with hollow handle. Of course, the production process is relatively complicated.

Despite its short history of just over two hundred years, it was born and grew up during Japan's most turbulent period, so it still went through many vicissitudes.

In order to protect this handicraft, the iron pot has been developed as a traditional handicraft till now; This kind of work has the excellent cast iron and the traditional technique, its classical iron muscle and the simple form is regarded as a kind of pure Japanese style creation, is quite valued in Japan.

In particular, the iron pot is a representative of the family, received a high evaluation; In order to comply with the changes of The Times, is still based on the traditional techniques, cast out of the works of phase contrast with modern life, is not only a practical kettle, but also with the function of decorative arts and crafts: such excellent technology products allows you to save and use for a long time, the stiff girder pot product perfect, very long time, has a very high collection value.

If need to understand the details of the collection, please watch the video: https://www.ixigua.com/6946180431880388640? is_new_connect=0&is_new_user=0&wid_try=1



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